Shouldham Warren walk

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Shouldham Warren is a fascinating environment where the Brecks merges with the Fens. Beyond the tall pine forest lies the open expanse of the Fens and the valley of the River Nar demonstrating the abrupt change from one natural area to another.

Shouldham Warren walk

Archaeology - the huge earthworks and ruined buildings at Shouldham Warren probably date to World War Two, and may be the remnants of a shooting range or temporary camp (they are situated east of the car parking area). Rabbit Warrens were designated areas where rabbits were bred, nurtured, protected and trapped for meat and their highly-prized fur, often on a commercial scale, from the 14th to the 19th century. Skins were taken to factories in Brandon and Thetford where the fur was treated and processed into felt for the hat trade or for export. Warrens could cover large areas, defined by perimeter banks and protected by warren lodges. Shouldham Warren was in existence by 1616. Between 1847 and 1890 there was extensive tree planting on the former warren. Today, rabbits play a vital role in conservation; their nibbling and burrowing activity creates the short sward and disturbed soil that makes the Brecks such a very special place for biodiversity.

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Please note this is just a SUGGESTED route.