Bridle Lane, Rabbit Lane Walk

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This route provides a great opportunity for an easy walk surrounded by fields, giving a wonderful sense of open space. The St Edmund’s churchyard and cemetery site is largely neutral grassland (both mown and unmown) with some scrub area. Grassland species found here include sheep’s sorrel, creeping buttercup and common mouse-ear. Common bird’s-foot trefoil, tufted vetch and lady's bedstraw can also be found in the unmown area of grassland.

St Edmund’s Church is seen on your left as you approach Cannon Square from Rabbit Lane, the church having Norman origins.

Bridle Lane, Rabbit Lane Walk

This route provides a great opportunity for an easy walk surrounded by fields, giving a wonderful sense of open space. The St Edmund’s churchyard and cemetery site is largely neutral grassland (both mown and unmown) with some scrub area. Grassland species found here include sheep’s sorrel, creeping buttercup and common mouse-ear. Common bird’s-foot trefoil, tufted vetch and lady's bedstraw can also be found in the unmown area of grassland.

St Edmund’s Church is seen on your left as you approach Cannon Square from Rabbit Lane, the church having Norman origins.

Click on the venues below to get directions and find out more!
Please note this is just a SUGGESTED route.
  • Church Church
  • Heritage Heritage
  • Accommodation Accommodation
  • Active Active
  • Bus Stop Bus Stop
  • Food Food
  • Info Info
  • Shop Shop
  • Trails Trails



Map Reference

OS Explorer 236


2.3 miles



Dog Friendly



45 min

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